Join us in protesting pedophiles' International BoyLove Day:
Pedophiles (worldwide) celebrate their "love" of children with proclamations and by lighting blue candles on June 24. Some do it in public places, and others, in private.
Typically they will leave a leaflet or message along with their blue candles. The message will most likely be similar to this:
I am a boylover. I am not a molester, an abuser, or a rapist who forces boys to submit to his physical lust. These are the false images that the media would have you believe about boylovers, but these are not me. I love boys as I love life itself, and would never hurt a boy or force him to do anything not of his own choosing.
But there is a sickness sweeping the world, a madness that has grotesquely distorted the love and caring for boys that I was born with into something criminal and repugnant. For decades now, I, and countless others like me, have quietly endured persecution and lived hidden lives. But we no longer will be silent, we will not allow lies and hysteria to define who we are, at long last we will speak for ourselves
We ask that you protest this repugnance by burning your own candle. A white one for the innocence of childhood. Also place this graphic on your own personal site if you wish. Show your support for children!