What does Boylove (you know, the sexual exploitation of underage boys by pedophiles) have to do with some of your favorite grocery products? Well, evidently more than one would like.
Amazon.com is offering a pedophile book:
Viamund the Boylove Vampyre Says...: Poetry & Haiku's (Paperback)by Octaevius Altair, for sale on it's website. And, interestingly it seems that while Amazon is claiming freedom of expression, and their need to provide a voice to different authors of all backgrounds as it's reason for offering the book... the companies in the following Amazon ad just want to get exposure for their products, even if it means doing on a site that is openly promoting pedophilia propaganda.

Save with Instant Rebates in Grocery
Save today with instant rebates on your favorite brands--Kraft,
Maxwell House, Post, and more than 20 more. Offers valid through February 28.
Yes, that's right folks, these companies are paying Amazon to show their ads, and therefore are directly encouraging Amazon's choice to sell this book.

Thankfully, we don't drink Maxwell House in THIS house, because I buy the coffee around here. And, although I've always liked Post, I'm sure that I can find another brand of cereal for the kids breakfast. Kraft might be a little more difficult to replace, but if they are willing to pay Amazon to run ads on product pages that encourage the sexual exploitation of children- I'm not willing to feed my family their products.
Now, in all fairness, it could be that Amazon isn't really aware of the subject matter of this
book filth. After all, Amazon is a huge online company, offering a huge amount of products, and certainly we can not expect them to inspect each and every one of them.
It could be that they aren't aware... but they are. We know that they are aware of the subject and content, because they were contacted about it. Sadly, it seems that they just don't care.
In fact their response to a fellow blogger who contacted them was firmly supportive of the keeping this filth available,
From Gawfer Thank you for writing to Amazon.com.As a retailer, our goal is to provide customers with the broadest selection possible so they can find, discover, and buy any item they might be seeking. That selection includes some items which many people may find objectionable. Therefore, the items offered on our web site represent a wide spectrum of opinions on a variety of topics.Amazon.com believes it is censorship not to display certain articles because we believe their message is objectionable.
There is more to the response, so please head over to read the full thing. I'm sure you will be just as shocked as I was.
Now, in fairness, before I ask you to blindly make prompt decisions about this problem- you need to know just what sort of issue we are dealing with. For this, I'll need you to read a little about this propaganda. Please read the entire post by
AZ, as it is important that we hold these companies which would endorse the sexual exploitation of children, in order to line their own pockets; just how we feel about this.
And, until Amazon, Kraft, Post and Maxwell House are willing to stop endorsing this book by selling it, or by supporting the company which is selling it- please take a moment and let them know just where you stand on pedophilia propaganda being openly advertised and sold.
Big H/T to
Kate for mentioning this.
UPDATE: Here is the response from Amazon.com to me:
"Amazon.com Customer Service"
Thank you for writing to Amazon.com with your comments about the listing of "Viamund the Boylove."
I realize that you have been greatly inconvenienced by this situation. Please know that you are a valued customer of Amazon.com, and I am very sorry if the listing of this product has caused you any offense.
Please note that, customer service is not in a position to make changes to web site features or functions. Likewise, we cannot make promises that other departments will make changes at our request. The most we can do is to be sure that your comments are forwarded to those who have these responsibilities.
Rest assured that we have forwarded your comments to appropriate department in our company for consideration to remove the item from our web site.
Please know that we do take the feedback very seriously. Strong customer feedback like yours helps us continue to improve the selection and service we provide, and we appreciate the time you took to write to us.
Please let me assure you that we have done so. I hope you will understand our limitations in this regard.
Thank you for your understanding. We hope to see you again at Amazon.com.
Found the pedo freak's
MySpace Report it
here.And Blogger
Profile Report it
here.And his
ringsworld page Report it
here.And his
Vampire Freaks Page Report it
here.And his
MeetMeInTo Verison Report it
here.And his
Vibe Page
And his
Boywiki Page- where he asks that boyrapist go support NAMBLA
And his
new blogs on which he posts all the material that Blogger deleted and boasts the claim that he will wreak havoc on all who refuse him free service located
Here Here and
Here Make report
HEREPosted on behalf of: