SOFTLY, softly, catchee monkey

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Meet Christopher Wrigley aka Christopher Warwick

aka Appy

aka Apollo11

and of course Christopher Robin

Chris has been a member of BoyChat since 1996.

But he's much more than that. He's also a convicted sex offender, having been found guilty in 1999 for "distributing indecent photographs of children and also possessing indecent photographs with intent to distribute them"

The photos in question were young boys aged 5 to 15.

The most interesting aspect to me is the defense he used. On BoyChat he told them he studied Psychology in college due to his interest in childhood development. He told authorities:
Christopher Wrigley said he communicated with the men because he wanted to compare their reaction to indecent pictures.

The only reason he exchanged images with Kinloch and another American named Sonny Delite, he said, was to determine what sort of pornography interested pedophiles.
And he told the jury:

that his only interest in the photos was for his university research project on child abuse.

"Everything I've ever written, everything I've ever done is for one goal, one objective - to reduce incidences of child sexual abuse. "
Amazingly enough half of the first jury believed him and deadlocked! I'm thinking they didn't know about his activities on BoyChat and other places. Like what he said about meeting a new "young friend"
But all the while I'm getting this nagging feeling, "this kid is 13 and will be 14 in six months, he's too old for you to start a friendship."

I like to take things REAL slow... friends at 9, best friends at 11, if you know what I mean.
Or this one
I discovered why we are what we are

Pederastsy exists to provide natural function within humanity. It exists, quite simply, to provide a natural form of education for the young. Through this mentorship a human male's sexual development is shaped which is then used to maintain survival of the species.
Or this one
...This community is stronger than some of you would care to admit. I only hope that a moment will come in my future where I can highlight that strength and tell the untold true story that is the beauty of boylove...
But the strangest one of all came upon his most recent return to BoyChat:
You are NOT alone!!! :-)

Thought I'd just surface briefly to tell you life is good, actually very good... and to say that not all prolifically active members of the BL community end up behind bars (as wikisposure and perverted justice would have you believe... still, I had a laugh reading up about 'me' on their website).

One thing I've learnt with age and the work I've been doing... It's worth remembering that you don't have to be prolific as a BL activist to get your message across. 'SOFTLY, softly, catchee monkey' as they say. In these hard times, guile is required to win people's minds over.
Maybe this time Chris can stay out of prison, so he won't have to join his fellow ex-DJ's at Sure Quality Radio.

Not to mention of course his good friend Harold Spurling aka Aztram

All of these men are perfect examples of the dangers of their online communications with each other.

From the NYT
Today, pedophiles go online to seek tips for getting near children — at camps, through foster care, at community gatherings and at countless other events.

In this online community, pedophiles view themselves as the vanguard of a nascent movement seeking legalization of child pornography and the loosening of age-of-consent laws. They portray themselves as battling for children’s rights to engage in sex with adults, a fight they liken to the civil rights movement.

But the existence of this community is significant and troubling, experts said, because it reinforces beliefs that, when acted upon, are criminal. Repeatedly in these conversations, pedophiles said the discussions had helped them accept their attractions and had even allowed them to have sex with a child without guilt.

“It is rationalization that allows them to avoid admitting that their desires are harmful and illegal,” said Bill Walsh, a former commander of the Crimes Against Children Unit for the Dallas Police Department, who founded the most prominent annual national conference on the issue. “That can allow them to take that final step and cross over from fantasy into real-world offenses.”

Some pedophiles revealed that they gained access to children through their own families. Some discussed how they married to be close to the children from their wives’ previous marriages. Pedophiles who said they were fathers described moments involving their own children
Experts described the pedophiles’ online worldview as reflective of “neutralization,” a psychological rationalization used by groups that deviate from societal norms.

In essence, the groups deem potentially injurious acts and beliefs harmless. That is accomplished in part by denying that a victim is injured, condemning critics and appealing to higher loyalties — in this case, an ostensible struggle for the sexual freedom of children.
Visit Wikisposure and learn more about Christopher Wrigley

"From Little Things, Big Things Grow"

Saturday, June 20, 2009

"From Little Things, Big Things Grow"

said Your Dishonor Judge Ian Dearden. You may have heard of this folk musician, civil libertarian scumbag who is now a District Judge in Queensland.

Your Dishonor had been an executive member of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties - an Australian version of the ACLU - for 20 years and the president for 11, but when he was appointed to this position he became a victim and felt abused by "redneck letter writers" who didn't feel it was appropriate for a man who didn't believe in prison to be in a position of administering justice. He replied:

“Why should anybody be abused for advocating freedom?”

Yes, that's what the Judge said. Of course he also said:
"there was certainly a need to regulate human conduct, a need on occasions for jail time and that the only debate was how much regulation and what penalties were required"
Let's look at how he thinks human conduct should be "regulated"
A Queensland father who bashed a man caught molesting his 10-year-old son is facing a prison sentence, while the boy's attacker walks free.

Shane Thomas Davidson was at the child's house at Eagleby in June last year to watch the State of Origin match with the boy's father and a few other people. After the game, Davidson went into the boy's bedroom and began massaging the child's penis under his clothes. When the boy woke up, Davidson asked the boy to show him his penis and offered to do the same. The child refused and went to tell his father what happened. The man then attacked Davidson, dragging him outside, throwing him on to a concrete path where he struck his head and repeatedly kicking him. Davidson later underwent extensive facial surgery in the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
Your Dishonor Judge Ian Dearden said:

"There is no place in our community for a vigilante approach"
Shane Thomas Davidson was spared jail despite pleading guilty to molesting the boy on State Of Origin night last year. Judge Ian Dearden told Beenleigh District Court the sentence was reduced because the young victim's father had wrongly taken action into his own hands and badly beaten Davidson.

In handing down his sentence on Monday, Justice Dearden said adult offenders who committed sex offences against children must serve actual jail time – unless exceptional circumstances were found to exist.

"This is one of those rare and exceptional cases," he said. "When an individual takes the matter of punishment into their own hands, the offence committed by the person may be far, far more serious and, therefore, have far more serious consequences then the original offence."
The boy's father is facing life in prison. And the pedophile himself? He said
he regretted what he had done but didn't think it was something he should go to jail for.

"As far as these sorts of offences go, it's pretty minor."
Your Dishonor agreed with the child molester that what he had done was minor. Your Dishonor didn't feel this child deserved justice. This child who is now without the father who was protecting his own home. But this isn't the first time Your Dishonor has behaved so shamelessly and with such reckless disregard
A Brisbane man Brett Ashley Connor appeared before Judge Dearden charged with with possessing 90 child porn images. The judge sentenced Connor to nine months' jail wholly suspended because of mitigating factors including Connor's co-operation with authorities and the lack of apparent distribution of the images.

Brothers Shammi and Shamal Chand escaped jail in Dearden's court after pleading guilty to savagely bashing an invalid pensioner with a baseball bat. Handing both brothers wholly suspended jail sentences, Judge Dearden said he took into account their own misery following the death of their father, the difficulties Shammi Chand faced supporting his extended family and Shamal Chand's battle with drugs and mental illness.
And for another sexual abuse case, a teacher who also filmed his abuse of a student then threatened to "hurt her" if she told:
A Former north Queensland high school teacher has been jailed after a court overturned his suspended sentence for molesting a female student.

Steven Peter Quick, 29, of Varsity Lakes on the Gold Coast, originally avoided jail when Brisbane District Court Judge Ian Dearden sentenced him to a wholly suspended 18-month jail term and 12-month intensive correction order.

Justice de Jersey found that Judge Dearden didn't take enough notice of the damage done to the victim, that he incorrectly regarded as relevant that she gave “some level of consent”, and that he did not give enough weight to Quick's threats to harm the girl.

The chief justice also found that Quick's remorse was only self-pitying and he lacked true insight into the damage he had done.
There are those paying attention to this type of behavior however. After the most recent ruling this shameful judge thought he'd get away with:
The case has sparked widespread community outrage and child safety campaigner Hetty Johnston described Davidson's sentence as "woefully wrong".

And yesterday Attorney-General Cameron Dick called for a transcript of the judge's sentencing remarks to determine whether the state should appeal. He has 28 days from the June 15 date of sentencing to lodge an appeal.

Meanwhile, the Liberal National Party's deputy leader Lawrence Springborg said the case highlighted the need for Queensland's sentencing laws to be overhauled "to reflect community standards".
Your Dishonor Judge Ian Dearden says
"There is no place in our community for a vigilante approach"
Society says "There is no place in our community for child molesters or their enabling judges"

The Dishonorable Judge Dearden - the folk musician feels a close affinity to these lyrics
Justice is a constant struggle
I’m struggling on
We are all struggling on.
But I don't believe he even knows what justice is. He once titled a speech "From Little Things, Big Things Grow" - I don't think it should be a struggle for him to know how the "little decisions" he makes today feed those who use and abuse children for sexual gratification. This Judge is a part of that cycle of abuse.

Please let your voice be heard and speak loudly about this horrendous injustice and demand that he be removed from a position which he has and continues to abuse in his personal mission of freedom for criminals. Demand he be removed. Demand justice for this boy.

Please write or phone the Beenleigh District Court at this address and in demanding justice let it be known that there is no place in any community for those who sexually abuse children or enable those who do.

Cnr Kent and James Street
PO Box 383, Beenleigh 4207
Beenleigh Qld 4207

Telephone: (07) 3884 7512
Richard Valdemar wrote:
The critics of vigilantism say that the enforcement of laws is the job of the police and other government agencies. However, vigilantes are born when proper authorities fail to protect and serve, and government agencies became bloated and bureaucratic. So my advice to cities, counties, states, and federal authorities is; if you don't want vigilantes - do your friggin' jobs.

Standing up for what you believe in

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I am harmless. I can promise you that.
Emovocals faces up to life in prison after he was arrested and charged Wednesday on accusations of molesting a 10-year-old boy whose Grand Isle County family said they hired him over the Internet as a nanny.
Is anyone really surprised? Another member of GirlChat and BoyChat preying on children, putting himself in a position to be in close contact with children, pretending to just "love children why he'd never hurt children" as the typical filthy pedophile always does.

We first wrote about Douglas Shepherd

aka Donald Shepherd aka Emovocals, JonnyXO, Philosophy and Kyva when we discovered this pedophile advertising to be a nanny online in 2007 Searching for a Nanny? Read This

"Steve Lampert, CEO of, said company records list no one with the suspect’s given name, but they do contain two aliases Vermont police say Shepherd used.

An account under one alias, Parker Wilder, was closed in August 2008 after a family complained about him; a listing for a Donald Shepherd, the name law enforcement says the boy used in referring to his nanny, had been shut down in December 2006, also following a complaint"
So this is to be expected:
Shepherd admitted the inappropriate activity included touching, oral sex and the taking of explicit photographs. According to police, Shepherd said he initially felt like a father figure for the boy but later the "dynamic changed and turned into, you know, I see him as a lover."
Shepherd had nothing to say as he left the Grand Isle Courthouse charged with a list of sex crimes, including aggravated sexual assault on a child. Investigators say that Shepherd will likely face child porn charges. That part of the investigation is just beginning but it's expected to be huge, with thousands of images found on Shepherd's electronic equipment, including photos of the victim in this case.
Shepherd told law enforcement he had had worked with children in California, Florida, Michigan, and at summer camps for boys in Texas and New York. He had also been approved to be a substitute teacher in Grand Isle County. Police are concerned that there could be other victims out there.
People who think that pedophiles chatting amongst each other in online pedo groups are "just chatting and gaining support" from each other need to think twice. That isn't what they are doing at all. They are trying to gain validation so they don't have to face what they really are. They're feeding each others demented desires for children which DOES encourage them to act out.

They say they're exercising free speech, but the Anti's say they are endangering children by messing with the distorted minds of fellow pedophiles, feeding them "girl moments" and "boy moments" and glorifying child sexual abuse.

They are participating in hate speech.

Their targets: children.
"People are being jailed just for being attracted to children. Isn't that what you tell me when I would give out information about myself on this board? Hell, now I am on some ass hole's blog. My pictures and all. That is what happens though when you stand up for something you believe in. I risk the chance everyday of being found out and investgated. How do you think that makes me feel?

I am not asking you to look past the things I have done, or except my lies. I am only asking you to stop your madness. I am harmless. I can promise you that. I just need people to talk to. I hope that some of this will sink in, but I doubt it."