Skating Close to the Line

Friday, December 12, 2008

Andrew "SOSEN-has-a-ZERO-recidivism-rate" Spedden is on his way back to prison:

"Andrew Spedden lost his last chance in court today.

County officials tried to find another place to help Spedden with his sexual addictions, after his therapists discharged him for having inappropriate sexual contact with a man in his counseling group. But no group would accept the 36-year-old city man, due to what a judge said was Spedden's inability to control his actions and his manipulative behavior.

So now Spedden will receive his therapy behind bars, in a state prison, while he serves a 1 1/2- to three-year sentence for violating his parole on child pornography charges.
"You always want to see how close you can skate to the line," Lancaster County Judge James Cullen told Spedden. "In doing that, you skate over it."

Pushing the boundaries and manipulative behavior - nothing new for a SOSEN member or a pedophile for that matter.
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