According to Ken Lanning
- Stalkers - who try to gain physical access to children
- Cruisers - who use the internet for direct sexual pleasure without physical contact (chat rooms)
- Masturbators - who use the internet for passive gratification (child pornography)
- Networkers or Swappers - who communicate with other pedophiles and trade information, pornography, and children
- Combination of the previous 4 types
30% to 80% of individuals who viewed child pornography and 76% of individuals who were arrested for Internet child pornography had molested a childAccording to NCMEC
Forty percent (40%) of those estimated arrestees were “dual offenders,” who sexually victimized children and possessed child pornography, with both crimes discovered in the same investigation. An additional 15% were dual offenders who attempted to sexually victimize children by soliciting undercover investigators who posed online as minors.According to the Crimes Against Children Research Center
We found 40% of the cases involving CP possession in the N-JOV Study involved dual offenses of CP possession and child sexual victimization detected in the course of the same investigation. All of these offenders had identified child victims. An additional 15% both possessed CP and attempted to sexually victimize children by soliciting undercover investigators posing online as minors. When these cases of attempted child sexual victimization are counted, 55% of the CP possessors were dual offendersHere are some other quick stats:
And should you wonder what motivates these possessors of child pornography, Taylor & Quayle has this to say:
- 39% of arrested offenders who met victims online possessed child pornography
- 43% of offenders who solicited undercover investigators posing onine as minors possessed child pornography
- 27% of dual offenders had shown or given child pornography to identified victims
- Approximately 1 in 5 arrested CP possessors (21%) had images depicting sexual violence to children such as bondage, rape, and torture.
- Most had images of prepubescent children (83%) and images graphically depicting sexual penetration (80%)
- One in six investigations beginning with allegations or investigations of CP possession discovered dual offenders.
- 39% of arrested offenders who met victims online and 43% of offenders who solicited undercover investigators were dual offenders
- Almost all arrested CP possessors (96%) were convicted or plead guilty, and 59% were incarcerated.
- Sexually interested in prepubescent children (pedophiles) or young adolescents (hebephiles), who use child-pornography images for sexual fantasy and gratification
- Sexually “indiscriminant,” meaning they are constantly looking for new and different sexual stimuli
- Sexually curious, downloading a few images to satisfy that curiosity
- Interested in profiting financially by selling images or setting up web sites requiring payment for access
people are likely to choose the kind of pornography that corresponds to their sexual interests, so relatively few nonpedophilic men would choose illegal child pornography given the abundance of legal pornography that depicts adults.What were the images?
- 83% had images of children between the ages of 6 and 12
- 39% had images of 3 to 5 year old children
- 19% had images of toddlers or infants younger than 3
- 92% had images of minors focusing on genitals or showing explicit sexual activity
- 80% had pictures showing the sexual penetration of a child, including oral sex
- 21% had child pornography depicting violence such as bondage, rape, or torture. Most of these involved images of children who were gagged, bound, blindfolded, or otherwise enduring sadistic sex
What happened to these men? Does anyone think it's easy to get out of something like this? Well I believe that they get a slap on the wrist compared to what they should get, but they don't get off that easy. It does indeed effect their lives and in some cases you might say it destroys them. Their reputation, their marriages, their jobs even. Basically they lose the respect of anyone who has known them. Who could respect someone who does such a thing? How many get away with it completely? Look at the following chart

Returning to Ken Lanning 's Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis whom the pedophiles misquote on almost a daily basis and whose work is quoted extensively in the Mayo article I'd like to share some random quotes of his that ties in nicely with this discussion
From David Alway aka Lindsay Ashford who spreads propaganda that child pornography doesn't exist to his pedo brothers: Nigel (convicted of greater than 11,000 CP images), Taf-Kat (convicted of greater than 70,000 images), to Infinity moderator of GirlChat (a picture of a six yr old giving a blow-job and a subscription to a little girl nudie site) and justified it like this:P 30 Need-driven behavior leads to bewildering mistakes P 43 Pedophiles are skilled at manipulating children P 52 Pedophiles almost always collect child pornography and/or erotica P 69 Collecting this material may help them satisfy, deal with, or reinforce their compulsive persistent sexual fantasies…..Collecting may also fulfill needs for validation. …It is almost as though each hour spent on the internet and each communication and image is evidence of the value and legitimacy of their behavior. P 70 Although their brains may tell them not to send child pornography or reveal details of past or planned criminal acts to someone they met online, their need for validation often compels them to do so. They believe what they need to believe P 81 Pedophiles are more likely to use trickery, bribery or seduction to take their photographs of children. …..Many pedophiles even collect photographs of children who are complete strangers to them….
What was I thinking? Apparently I wasn't thinking, that is what an addict does, they do not think about what they are doing or any consequences, they just need the "fix". I liked looking at those pics and I made a mistakeAll these guys lead right back to Lindsay and men like Dylan Thomas of BoyChat who promote child porn and child prostitution.I SURVIVED the NIGHTMARE that is prison, and I got out, got a kick-ass job, have tons of lg's in my life
I got off the Mayo article a bit here with this discussion of child pornography which was only a small part of the article as it covers the entire pedophile topic. CP is a big issue. It's HUGE. Regardless of what Lindsay Ashford or even the lowly Jackson would tell you.....We've talked about this before. About the Lindsay's of the world who love children so much that they want to legalize the exploitation of children for the sexual gratification of dirty old men. We asked Who are these men? and Is this a game? We talked about John Melanson aka Camper who said:
Our desire for porn makes us use bad judgement sometimes
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more than half of child pornography possession cases began with reports from individuals to law enforcement