Filthy Pedophile Confesses

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Watch this filthy whining pedophile Johnathon Johnson AKA Jizzony who is soooo soooo sorry he got caught, and NOW he knows it was wrong what he did........but he still doesn't know why. Sound familiar?

Bond was set at $1 million on Tuesday for a man who admitted to sexual relations with boys.Johnathon Johnson, 32, told KETV he is responsible for the crimes. Omaha police said Johnson is charged with first-degree sexual assault involving four children and he may face more charges."I do love these kids. And I know for a fact, they love me," Johnson said. Court records show he has been charged with felonies three times before

Johnson admits to three of the charges. "I had sex with a child and it's wrong."

Is it wrong because there's paperwork that says it is?

"No, it's wrong because of what's happening to all of our lives now.”

It’s an answer that makes it difficult to understand whether Johnson truly grasps the seriousness of his crimes. "I don't know right now why it's wrong, that's what's wrong with me. I thought everybody loved me.”

Johnson admits the sexual acts happened on six occasions over the course of a year in a south Omaha neighborhood. He claims it was the children who initiated all of the encounters. "One came on to me and I'm sure the others just did it because they're curious.”

Johnson cried throughout the interview. There was one question he had the most difficulty dealing with. Three different times we asked him, do you see yourself as a pedophile?

“I don't fantasize about children, but I had sex with them. Right now, I can't honestly mentally say yes. By definition yes, I had sex with children and that's what a pedophile is.”

"I really wish that somewhere in my future, someday I'll be able to wake up and I'll be as disgusted as everyone else is by the thought of having sex with a child," Johnson said.

BEWARE of disturbing content and visit Wikisposure for the full story of Jizzony
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