we will remember

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Are we Humans smart enough to save our children?

In Florida   Donald J. Smith is a prime example of how we need to change the laws in the US in every  State regarding sex offenders.

"The man charged in the killing of an 8-year-old  had just been released from jail May 31.
Police said they made contact Friday morning with Donald James Smith, 56, who is a registered sex offender, at the home on Segovia Avenue, where he is registered. It was a routine address verification, according to Detective Mike Williams.
Smith lived within walking distance from Dupont Middle School. Police said there was no restriction on him living that close to a school because he was a registered sexual offender, not sexual predator."

He took her on June 22, 2013,  Not even a month after being released for his prior crime against a child!

I fail to understand the 'difference' as he was using predator behavior and killed a little girl.

What is wrong with the State of Florida?  Why can't they get it right?

"Williams said Child's mother met Smith at a Dollar General on Edgewood Avenue West about 7 p.m. Friday. Two younger children, 4 and 5 years old, were also there and remain in the mother's custody.
Smith offered to buy food and clothes for child's family at the nearby Walmart, Williams said. The family was in the Walmart for a couple of hours, he said.
The mother agreed to let Cherish go with Smith to the McDonald's inside the Walmart. The two did not return and the mother called police. "

 I won't go into the blame game here but to highlight the fact that pedophiles prey on women who are desperate and or seem easy to manipulate.
This is why so many sex offenders and pedophiles get to molest more and more children and as we see kill them.. because there are too many unprepared parents having children.  We cannot do anything about this as they will procreate anyways.

We need to offer more help to young Mothers and those who do not have support systems in place so that their children will not have to pay the price for their unprepardness.

"Smith also served prison time for attempted kidnapping and lewd and lascivious assault on children. The first time he attempted to lure a 13-year-old girl into his van and chased her as she ran away. The second time involved Smith trying to lure two girls into his van with pornographic magazines, according to Times-Union archives".

How sad that he wasn't held accountable for life after committing the first crime!

 We need to change the laws!! We need to protect our children!!

Tom Reeves: A National Spokesman for Boy Love (and the RSOL)

Thursday, March 01, 2012

On December 2, 1978, Tom Reeves of the Boston-Boise Committee convened a meeting called "Man/Boy Love and the Age of Consent." Approximately 150 people attended. At the meeting's conclusion, about thirty men and youths decided to form an organization which they called the North American Man/Boy Love Association, or NAMBLA for short.

Thirty four years later and NAMBLA is arguably still the most well known pro-pedophilia advocacy organization to ever exist; except today NAMBLA's founder is now dead.
Tom Reeves life can best be described in a nutshell as a life long effort to legalize the sexual abuse of children, we've prepared a time-line chronicling Reeves life:

Even before the formation of NAMBLA, Reeves was openly describing himself as a "Boy lover."

21 April 1978:
Reeves, a history professor at Roxbury Community College, says he is the group's only "boy lover"

"I feel It is important to say it is possible to be a man and have a variety of relationships with adolescents, including sex, and still be an ethical, upstanding individual."

After the formation of NAMBLA, Reeves took on a very public role inside of NAMBLA as their national spokesman:

October 13 1982:
A male homosexual organization that supports sexual relations between men and boys held its annual national meeting in Philadelphia last weekend, despite opposition from a local coalition of youth-protection feminists and homosexual groups.

The North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which was founded in Boston in 1978 has a nationwide membership of only 600, was concerned about the opposition because it feared violence, not from these groups, but from anti-homosexuals.

"There is a tripe whammy against (the organization)," Thomas Reeves, a national spokesman for Boy Love, said in a telephone interview last week.

In the mid 90's Reeves was involved in NAMBLA as their strategist and as a contributor to the "NAMBLA Bulletin."

August 23 1994:
Tom Reeves, a leading strategist for the organization and contributor to its newsletter, "NAMBLA Bulletin," explains that a lot of people aren't aware of NAMBLA's mission. "Our purpose is not to get our hands on a bunch of 14-year-old boys," he says "The primary issue is political-to change laws about age of consent."

In the late 90's it was obvious that despite years of campaigning NAMBLA had nothing to show for their efforts. It was time for a new, more-moderate approach: a petition was formed titled "A Call to Safeguard Our Children and Our Liberties". The petition, which would later become known as the "Petition to Reform Sex Offender Laws," was first posted on the pedophile message board, BoyChat:

June 07, 1998:
Participants included women who are incest and sex abuse survivors, NAMBLA members, anti-censorship and civil liberties activists, feminists, gay and lesbian people, health-care workers, church activists, peace and social justice activists, academics, and those who work with prisoners.

Tom Reeves, social science professor;
That effort went nowhere fast. It appears not many people wanted to advocate for pedophiles calling themselves "NAMBLA members" and "Boylovers". In 2007 a new attempt was made. Using the old "Call to Safeguard Children" except any references to pedophiles were removed and suddenly they found their niche. Suddenly they found lots of people, mostly women who were more than willing to support pedophiles as long as they didn't call themselves "NAMBLA members" and "Boylovers". The sad fact is though that many of them knew. That is the true horror of it. They knew who they were working with.

Now thanks to this idiot, we can include another chapter of Toms life, one which we've suspected for quite some time. You may know him better as "Alex Marbury":
I am very saddened to inform you to our good friend Tom Reeves (aka Alex Marbury) died today in his hospital bed in Baltimore.
February 19, 2012:
Alex Marbury was the very heart and soul of RSOL during its formative years. He loved RSOL and its people and, in turn, was the recipient of much appreciation and affection. Hundreds of those now connected to RSOL were first welcomed into the organization by Alex in his role as email contact and member of the Admin Team.

Not only had the ReformSexOffenderLaws petition been created by pedophiles from NAMBLA, the ReformSexOffenderLaws organization was being run by the same person who had founded NAMBLA and has been one of NAMBLA's key figureheads.

Today the ReformSexOffenderLaws best kept secret has been made public in all it's deceitful glory. Obviously some members of the RSOL were already well aware of this ugly fact, but despite their knowledge of Reeves' history, continued to mislead others with claims that they weren't associated with pedophile activists:
RSOL does not condone sexual activity between adults and children in any way, nor does it condone any sexual activities that break laws in any state. RSOL is not affiliated with, nor do we support or condone, NAMBLA, Boychat, Girlchat, or any group with similar positions on age of consent or related behaviors.
It isn't that the RSOL is affiliated with NAMBLA, the RSOL IS NAMBLA. It is a side-branch. It is a NAMBLA project. It is succeeding at what NAMBLA itself always failed to do: get people who weren't pedophiles to advocate on behalf of pedophiles.

The RSOL was founded by the very same person who founded NAMBLA. He never renounced NAMBLA and remained involved with both organizations until his death.

Read more about The New Nambla at Evil-Unveiled.com

I Can Feel Your Anger

Friday, February 17, 2012

"I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete."

Return of the Jedi

Sex offender defenders have never understood why their language is so offensive to victims of sex crimes, and shocking to those who have not previously been exposed to them. It isn't shocking to victims however - they have heard it all before - usually from the time they were first victimized.

We might wonder why they continue down this self-destructive path when they know - they've been told - how offensive they are. But there's really no need to wonder, we know what the problem is. At their deepest core they blame victims. They hate victims. That's it. Plain and simple. Despite their denials they are just a bunch of demented blame-gamers incapable of seeing past their own predicament and intent on finding someone else to blame for it.

When these blame-gamers are accused their response is always that they've been taken out of context or they say they didn't mean it the way we took it. But the truth is that they did mean it and they just didn't like being called out for it. The truth is that they are so accustomed to hearing this type of language which has become the norm for their groups that they don't even notice when one of them does it.

Take for example Debby Gwaltney AKA Lynn Gilmore, the new CEO of Sosen
"My hubby and I don't feel any animosity towards the victim"

Animosity towards the victim? How generous of her! And yet she does blame her using typical sex offender defender rhetoric.
"I figured, well, it's a low-level crime, after all, the girl was known in the community as being a sexually active teenage girl."
"I was told she had something of a reputation."
Despite Debby's claims that the only reason her husband's risk level was raised was because he committed his offense outside the home, the truth is that there were multiple reasons including that he refused treatment, admitted being sexually attracted to teenagers and blamed his 14 year old victim. "She was promiscuous", he said.

Debby claims to have been molested as a child and that her mother did the very best thing she could have done which was to put Debby in therapy and keep the abuser away from her. Does Debby know that her abuser didn't turn his attentions on someone else? Really?
Over two-thirds of offenders who reported committing incest also report they assaulted victims outside the family (English et al, 2000)
Debby says she feels re-victimized when someone says she was a victim of child sexual abuse. The only person I've seen talking about Debby's abuse is Debby. However, if the mere mention of what happened to her is such a trigger for her I wonder if she can even imagine the trigger for victims when they hear people like Debby - who aren't speaking on behalf of victims but on behalf of those who created victims - blame victims, minimize crimes and suggest that victims be treated like perpetrators?
"If offenders are made to undergo a lengthy process of assessments, evaluations and questioning, why aren't the victims?"

What exactly would you be doing a "lengthy evaluation" on victims for? To try to prove they aren't really victims? I do believe they get enough of that already. It is one thing to offer resources to victims to help them deal with their trauma, but Debby wants to treat them as criminals. She says victims should be forced to testify, apparently oblivious to the fact that they do if a case goes to trial. But most prosecutors will grant a plea bargain not only to save money but to prevent further trauma to the victim. Debby feels re-victimized when someone says she was a victim of child sexual abuse, and yet she has no clue regarding the difficulty of reliving an experience not only in front of the person who offended against you but also a room full of strangers - something many victims just don't have the strength to do.
"when you label someone a victim, then THAT is the thing that is victimizing them all over again"
Debby would have the offender walk free unless the system was willing to re-victimize the victim and she says all this in an article about re-victimizing victims! I think I don't believe Debby was a victim at all.

Debby Gwaltney goes on (this person who says doesn't feel like a victim) to report what victims want and what they would choose should they be given a choice.
"Counseling for both the abuser and the abused is truthfully all that is really necessary in most cases"
"If law enforcement considered the feelings of the victim there wouldn't be so much fear to report the abuse"
Some victims may not report because they are afraid of what may happen to their family but to apply that generally is an overly simplistic and short-sighted view. The truth is much more complex. Here is one explanation
"Sex offenders typically seek to make the victim feel as though he or she caused the offender to act inappropriately, and convince the child that they are the guilty party. As a result, children often have great difficulty sorting out who is responsible for the abuse and frequently blame themselves for what happened. In the end, fears of retribution and abandonment, and feelings of complicity, embarrassment, guilt, and shame all conspire to silence children and inhibit their disclosures of abuse" (Pipe & Goodman, 1991; Sauzier, 1989).
Not content with merely blaming victims or arrogantly stating what victims want and do not want, Debby Gwaltney also believes she knows how they should recover. Debby, like all defenders of child rapists believe that recovery is merely a choice.
"Just because someone was a victim once does not mean that they have to spend the rest of their lives as a victim"
Debby Gwaltney - Sosen CEO
"I choose to be a survivor, not a professional victim."
Linda Pehrson - former Sosen CEO
"I am not no snot-nosed, teary-eyed victim"
Mary Duval - former Sosen CEO
"Parents are passing their warped views on to their children. Children are taught that anything inappropriate that happens to them is the fault of someone else. "
Shirley Lowery - former Sosen CEO
"permanent victim-mode"
Derek Logue - convicted child molester
"there IS help out there, they don't have to stay this way"
Kevin Meier - convicted child molester
"Recovery is something that depends solely on the victim's desire to become a survivor"
Shana Rowan - Sosen
"It's a choice. to get on with life. One of the problems with having a victim mentality is that we tend to blame every thing that goes on in life to our being sexually abused."
Rod Wagner - convicted child molester
"those of us who've been victims have the POWER to choose just HOW and in what WAY it's going to affect us. We are doing no one, child or adult victim of sexual abuse, any favors when we pity them TOO much."
Jackie Sparling - wife of sexual predator

And yet, a recent report that studied victims over a period of 23 years made the same conclusion that everyone already knew. (Except those who want to minimize sexual crimes of course) That the effects of child sexual abuse can last a lifetime - and not because the person chooses that result.

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Southern California and the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and tracked a group of girls who had been sexually abused ranging in age from 6 to 16 at the start of the study for the next 23 years. They found that compared to a control group of girls who had not been sexually abused these girls had altered brain chemicals among other things.
As children, they had higher levels of cortisol, the so-called "stress hormone," which is released in high levels during the body’s "fight or flight" response. But by about age 15, testing showed that cortisol levels were below normal, compared to the control group. Lower levels of cortisol have been linked to a decrease in the body’s ability to deal with stress, as well as problems with depression and obesity. Lower levels of the hormone have also been linked to post-traumatic stress disorder.

“The cortisol levels (of some study participants) wound up looking like Vietnam vets,” says study co-author Dr. Frank Putnam, professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. “That tells us they are in a chronic state of stress, and never feel safe.”

During the last assessment, when study participants were in their 20s, their cortisol levels remained lower than the control group, on average. “That tells us their stress response system is burned out,” says Putman, which could explain why some are doing so poorly in life.”

The long-term effects of the abuse “were absolutely profound,” says lead author and child psychologist Penelope Trickett, USC professor of Social Work.

The researchers hope that study data are used to develop more comprehensive treatment programs. “What is clear here is that abuse is not something that’s a one-time fix,” says Trickett.

Many victims have lifetime effects, some don't. Implying that having long term effects is somehow a failure on the victims part is downright repulsive. And as we can see from this study the effects have an actual physiological basis. Baby raper defenders claim that victims CHOOSE to stay "victims" How DARE they? How DARE Sosen and their Nambla affiliate RSOL?

They don't want victims to have a voice in the justice system. They want them to be invisible, unseen and unheard. Silent. To sex offenders and their apologists the effects victims suffer are nonexistent or the fault of the victim. They attack victims maliciously, they demean and mock them, they spew venomous hatred and anger towards them and then blame them for their own bad behavior. They repeatedly show their ugliness in all it's vile glory - and wonder why people despise them so. They behave like animals, it is no wonder people believe them to be - along with their skanky wives and mothers who exhibit the same thinking errors and revolting treatment of victims.

Do not expect a new and improved Sosen. This new CEO is just as bad as all the others. Just like Shirley Lowery, Linda Pehrson and Mary Duval - Debby Gwaltney is a blame gamer. She also tells lies.

But we'll get to that later.

"People forget that the impact of abuse does not stop when the abuse stops."

Cathy Kezelman - Adults Surviving Child Abuse

I'm going to say this real slow

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Dr. Bill Glaser a forensic psychiatrist in the area of sex offenders said:
If we had some sort of plague or epidemic which affected one in four girls, one in eight boys, there would be a national outcry about it and we would be setting up national coordinated efforts to deal with the problem as we have with modern day epidemics such as HIV.
There are some who say that we are becoming unnecessarily panicky about child sexual abuse. The evidence is that we have not panicked enough.
We first wrote about Benjamin Radford here after he appeared on a podcast with a sex offender and a sex offender defender to commiserate about sex offender laws and what he refers to as a "predator panic".

I tried to clarify some of his errors, but that's a lot of information for such a small space and I suppose I failed to enlighten him. Still, I was rather disappointed recently on another podcast when I gave him the opportunity to explain his position and he once again did not want to be "confused with the facts". Only this time it was worse. In the intervening years he has forgotten his material and he confused the sex offender registry with community notification laws then argued against them both using residency restriction arguments. My head was spinning as Radford - puffed up and full of himself with delusions of superior intelligence and thinking skills - wove a web of lies, myths, half-truths and utter nonsense.
"People say there's no cure and that's simply not true"

Benjamin Radford said.

There's a cure? Even the most rabid pedophile apologists like Fred Berlin don't make that claim. Benjamin Radford must know something that experts who study sex offenders don't know because Benjamin Radford said the facts were there. He said they were clear. He said they were crystal clear. In fact, he said it at least 5 times in less than 5 minutes. I don't know if he was just trying to convince himself or not but he's surely convinced me. Now I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that he's a lying cockroach. Most importantly, he's intellectually dishonest.

Benjamin Radford has made his faulty conclusions based upon the DOJ recidivism report which showed a small percentage of recidivism after a three year period. At first I thought I would explain to Benjamin Radford why the DOJ report doesn't prove anything. I thought I might ask him why he believes it's proof when 80% of sex crimes go unreported. I thought I might ask him why he believes it's proof when almost 30% of those men in that report were ALREADY repeat offenders - sometimes multiple times. I thought I might ask him why he believed it was proof when almost half the men couldn't have committed another sex crime anyway considering that they were back in prison for another crime or a parole violation before the three year mark. I thought of asking him these things which he clearly failed to consider but he wouldn't be able to answer. He couldn't answer because he lied. He was intellectually dishonest. He read a report - not a study - and failed to question what the data actually meant.

Benjamin Radford says that to analyze information in his "investigations"
"critical thinking, critical reading and comprehension are essential"
He claimed to "thoroughly research" his topic. He claimed to "investigate" the issue. He claimed to analyze the information he found. But Benjamin Radford didn't actually analyze anything. He read it, didn't comprehend it, didn't question it and stopped looking. Why? Because it was what he wanted to hear. That is intellectual dishonesty.

Benjamin Radford has referred to the DOJ report on recidivism and a faulty Megan's Law report each time he has spoken of this issue. But that's it, that's all he got from his "investigation". If he had "thoroughly researched" and analyzed and comprehended he would know the report he references didn't even study the topic it claimed to have studied. He would know that it was rejected for inclusion in a meta analysis for its inferior methodology. He would know that the report he references said that sexual recidivism was lower in the time frame they studied but they didn't think it could be due to Megan's Law which may be effective but cost too much, they said they didn't know why recidivism was lower they just didn't think it was Megan's Law. So while Benjamin Radford claims "Megan's Law doesn't work" and that it is "crystal clear" - based on that study - he's either lying or ignorant. In either case - to attempt to persuade people on a topic such as this - or indeed any topic - while either lying or being ignorant is intellectual dishonesty.

The truth is, of course, that the answer is not crystal clear. Consensus has not been reached and the only conclusion most experts can agree upon is the fact the registry and community notification has been around for a relatively short period - not long enough to determine its effectiveness. He has written about this, spoken about this, written letters to lawmakers and journalists informing them that they have "inaccurate information". "It's a MYTH!", he says. He's tried to influence people with information he knows nothing about, information he failed to properly research, failed to analyze and failed to comprehend. For a self-hailed "critical thinker" I'm almost embarrassed for him.

I could explain to him that the registry is not important because it tells you where a sex offender "gets his mail" but because it tells you who he is. The vast majority of sexually abused children know their offender in some way. This includes parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, neighbors, coaches, family friends, etc. The registry doesn't give parents a false sense of security when they should be looking at Uncle Joe and the soccer coach. No, it empowers the parents to know not to let Uncle Joe around the kids, or not to let Susie sleep over at Mary's house. It keeps known risks from coaching soccer or luring kids in the neighborhood to their home. It helps young single mothers know not to become involved with that terribly nice guy at church who just happens to be a child molester of 5 year old girls when she has a five year old girl. It brings them out of the shadows and adds one more tool to try to help keep our children safe.
This study offers evidence that suggests broad community notification has a deterrent effect on sex offense recidivism, thus providing support for rational choice theory as a framework within which to explain, predict, and control sexual offending.

Why does broad community notification appear to have a deterrent effect on sexual recidivism? Sexual offending and, more narrowly, sexual recidivism frequently involve offenders who know their victims. To a large extent, then, sexual reoffending is about social relationships. Existing research reveals that when sex offender recidivists victimize someone they know, it is often a collateral contact victim whom they met through a friend, acquaintance, or loved one.

Examples include an offender who victimizes his girlfriends son or daughter, an offender who molests the daughter of a friend or acquaintance, or an offender who baby-sits the children of an acquaintance or co-worker. In all of these examples, the offender is able to gain access to the victim by first establishing a relationship with the victims parent, guardian, or family member.

Sex offenders often operate under a veil of secrecy, which enables them to obtain access, either directly or indirectly, to unwitting victims. By lifting this veil, community notification may severely limit their opportunities to form the types of relationships that facilitate sexual offending.
Radford didn't read that report. There are a lot of reports he didn't read. He only read the ones that appeared to prove the position he set out to prove. So why does he care anyway? Radford said that the "sex offender panic" was important to him because
"if you don't understand a social problem you can't fix it"

But he didn't try to understand the problem, he merely tried to prove there wasn't a problem at all and that none of our tools were helpful to combat it.......if there were a problem. He was intellectually dishonest.

I believe Benjamin Radford ran out of mythical monsters to disprove and decided to try and disprove real ones. He was ill equipped to do so and fundamentally misguided. Not only is this a complex issue beyond his mediocre "critical thinking" skills which he didn't even attempt to apply but only skimmed the surface and declared it was "crystal clear". He had already made up his mind. He's not a skeptic. Not really. A skeptic would have delved deeper, a skeptic would have eventually realized that the answer is not in that DOJ report. The answer is not so simple as all that.

Benjamin Radford is only "skeptical" about certain things. Things that will get him attention mostly. He doesn't believe in God, ghosts, psychics or Big foot. He doesn't believe in monsters who damage our children's hearts and their souls. I suppose he doesn't believe they even have one.

I issue a challenge to Benjamin Radford to actually do some real research in earnest on this topic otherwise he should apologize for being intellectually dishonest and retract the uninformed statements he's made. This is not Bigfoot. This is very real. You see, unlike Big Foot there are living, breathing witnesses to the monsters that do exist in this world. Benjamin Radford has become a victim-denier.

Personally I don't think he has the ability or the integrity to do either, so my expectations are low. I believe Benjamin Radford should stick with what he knows best: taste-testing gourmet monster dung
"On average most sex offenders are never caught again for a new sex offense, after five years, between 10 and 15 percent of sex offenders are detected, often convicted, of committing a new sex offense. If you follow them for ten years the rates go up somewhat, if you follow them as long as we’ve been able to follow them, which is about 20 years, the rates go up to somewhere between 30 to 40 percent of the total sample will eventually be caught for a new sex offense."
Dr. R. Karl Hansen

No, Not One

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Do they make sex offender zombie costumes? I'd like to pick me up one, so I can jump out behind some bushes and scare the little kiddies. Mew hah hah hah....."

-Michael James Gregg
Convicted Child Molester

Little does Michael Gregg aka Zman aka SexOffenderIssues know - he doesn't need a costume. No, he and others like him are scary enough as it is.

They are scary not because parents are "hysterical or "over-protective" as he claims but because there really are monsters out there. Michael should know better than to mock this serious issue. He should know because he's one of the monsters.

See that graphic above? That's what Michael Gregg is trying to sell in his "advertise you're a demented sex offender defender" store.

What goes on in the mind of someone like Michael Gregg? If we didn't already know from reading his prolific blathering histrionics - that graphic says it all. At the moment this proven liar and convicted child molester is bemoaning the fact that parents can know someone is a child molester on Halloween rather than allowing their children to blindly knock on a monster's door. Even more importantly he doesn't understand limiting convicted child molesters from participating in this children's holiday. After all, why shouldn't known pedophiles be allowed to lure children with candy and decorations?

His logic seems to be
"Over the last 100 or more years, there has not been a single case of a child being sexually abused on Halloween by a known or unknown sex offender"
"There has not been one case of where a child was sexually abused by a known or unknown sex offender on Halloween, not one!"
He has repeated that over and over again. Frankly, I don't understand why he would believe that Halloween is immune. Why would registered sex offenders reoffend 364 days a year but not on Halloween? It makes no sense. Especially when we consider the study he links to by the sex offender apologist who has devoted her career to making life easier for baby rapers - Jill Levenson. Jill says that there are no more sex crimes committed on Halloween than any other day of the year - no fewer either for that matter.

I suppose he just missed some things. Arpana Jinaga for example who not only raped but killed his victim - at a Halloween party. How about Matthew Trakas who exposed himself to young girls while putting up Halloween decorations. How about Howard Ault - who lured two young sisters aged 11 and 7 with a promise of Halloween candy then raped and murdered the two? How about Victor Oustigoff who molested a 3 year old in his neighbors bathroom on Halloween night while her grandmother was in the other room. How about these guys? All repeat offenders. I have more, lots more. But Michael Gregg doesn't apparently - and we all know how sex offender dementia works - if he doesn't know about it - well then, it just didn't happen.

Michael Gregg's denial and rationalizations are only surpassed on the offensive scale by his tongue-lashing of victims and their families - a trait that belittles him as a man and gives him the appearance of an extremely dangerous person suffering a total disconnect with reality.

There's nothing we can do about that I suppose, although there IS help out there if Michael would seek it. As far as the offensive shirt design I can outdo him trying to scare you.........
How's that for scary?

And if you're really a fright seeker how about this mask? Available in our Store today.

The truth is sex offenders DO reoffend on Halloween. They reoffend every single day.

The sex offender defender which Michael Gregg knows and loves - Sarah Tofte - says that 25% of all sex offenders reoffend within 15 years. She also says that registered sex offenders make up one-fifth of one percent of the U.S. population and yet this tiny group is responsible for 13% of all NEW sex crimes.

The accepted authority on recidivism says this:
"On average most sex offenders are never caught again for a new sex offense, after five years, between 10 and 15 percent of sex offenders are detected, often convicted, of committing a new sex offense. If you follow them for ten years the rates go up somewhat, if you follow them as long as we’ve been able to follow them, which is about 20 years, the rates go up to somewhere between 30 to 40 percent of the total sample will eventually be caught for a new sex offense."

Dr. R. Karl Hansen
Why Michael Gregg and others like him who have the most reasons to try and prove that they aren't animals, that they are capable of rehabilitation and worthy of society's trust would choose to mock and ridicule people who have been damaged by sex offenders is a mystery. I'm of the opinion that it is because they are not capable of rehabilitation as they continue to make the same disturbing mistakes over and over and over again. What other mistakes do they continue to make?

Just keep watching. I do.

The Unmitigated Gall

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Derek Logue is a master of it. And apparently it is the ONLY thing he's mastered aside from blame gaming. Now he presumes to lecture "media hounds" on the proper use of the word pedophile and claims there can be no such thing as a "convicted pedophile". Why? Well a couple of reasons, one is that pedophiles CAN control themselves according to Derek Logue, the convicted child molester. Also according to this wacked-out-victim-blaming-piece-of-shit-cockroach one can't be a convicted pedophile because pedophilia is a medical diagnosis.

Pedophilia is also a common word. It has a common meaning which is "sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object". It's in Websters. Look it up.

A part of semantics is also the study of how words evolve. My contention is that words mean what society decides they mean. "Gay" for example. This is really unimportant though because we all know that "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" and "A pedo by any other name would smell as foul". The name doesn't change what it is.

I recognize that it is important to someone like Derek Logue however because he doesn't want that word associated with himself, despite the fact that he admitted he was attracted to a child. And despite the fact that he molested that child, and then spent years online blaming her and everyone else for his crime while associating with and defending known and admitted pedophiles - he doesn't want anyone to think that about him. He prefers to minimize:
"Very few Registrants are clinically diagnosed with pedophilia"
When we consider the sex offender defender mantra has been that sex offenders are not routinely assessed to determine if they are or are not pedophiles. No registry is going to say "he was a pedophile" and therefore Derek has absolutely no knowledge whatsoever regarding how many offenders are pedophiles and even if he did - that knowledge would be wasted on a fool like Derek.

I generally just shake my head in disbelief at this pathetic and despicable excuse for a man but then he always manages to outdo himself with attempts to lecture people with convoluted statements like this
Stop assuming every registrant is a pedophile and misusing the term. You have done enough damage by misusing and abusing this term.
"You have done enough damage"


How about this one:
How about a little truth in addressing this issue? Fanning the flames of blind hate and stupidity has not helped matters

Okay, I'll give you a little truth. Derek Logue is nauseating on his best days. He should quit fanning the pain of those who have been devastated by stupid selfish demented pricks like him by saying such profoundly idiotic things. It has not helped matters.

Kill yourselves Pedophiles!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Had to post this as its the best thing you perverts can do. You pedophiles are filth and slime and you need to wipe yourselves off the face of the Earth!

Culture of Silence

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Randy English, the new COO of Sosen has decided to make a splash and draw attention to himself.

Since I'm relatively positive that it is virtually impossible for him to actually believe the demented things he's written, I'm left with the opinion that he's saying them with the sole purpose of deflecting attention away from the CEO - Mary Duval and the demented things that she says.

I believe Randy must be jealous of Mary being "at the top". She says she's "at the top". She says we rocketed her "to the top".

I'm not quite sure yet what she's "on the top" OF, but I think Randy must be jealous of it. Why else would he say these things?

Randy English has joined the long historical line of those who have enabled child sexual abuse. From the notorious Catholic Church pedophile cover-up to the Boy Scouts of America: Sosen wants to silence victims of sexual crimes.
"...we also know that it is not healthy for a family who has been devastated by a loss such as this to be cast into the spotlight, rather than having time to deal with the pain and anger in order to recover mentally and emotionally. Their pain and anger begins to rule their lives. It becomes who they are and only they know the true toll it is taking on them."
This is a continuing theme among the radical extremists of Sosen - to point the finger at victims and tell them they aren't doing it right. They aren't recovering correctly or well enough or soon enough or in a way that they deem appropriate. That victims who aren't interested in rationalizing on behalf of an offender are "haters", not "true survivors", not "true victims" or "not moving on".

Instead of focusing endlessly on bashing, blaming, distracting, rationalizing, justifying and harvesting any and all comments that they believe is favorable to "their side" as Kevin Meier refers to it - they should be focusing on identifying what is wrong with THEM and their own movement - what are they doing wrong? What behaviors and attributes do they encourage, foster and nourish within Sosen.....ways of thinking that not only led those offenders to offend in the first place but also which may lead to re-offense if maintained. Distortions which also damage the very points they are trying to make.

The mission statement of Sosen says:
"At SOSEN, we do not condone what former offenders have done. In many cases the harm done by former offenders is horrendous. No one can take that away. However, we feel that with proper treatment the victims can move on with their lives and put the pain and anger behind them. We know that this is the best thing for them as many members of SOSEN are former victims who have reached out for healing and now live normal productive lives."
The truth is, of course, that the only victims associated with Sosen are those who are now offenders themselves or are associated with - and advocating for an offender. Don Sweeney (a sex offender therapist turned activist) who Mary claims is an "expert" told her how amazing it was to him how many offenders went on to marry victims of child sexual abuse. But that's not amazing at all. It is a fact that offenders have a talent for targeting those most vulnerable to their manipulations. They find victims who ARE the most vulnerable and they marry them and begin another co-dependent relationship. The victims who are the strongest of all are those who don't fall prey again to this garbage, who speak up and tell their story without making excuses for their offender, who do support strict management of people who have committed these horrible crimes and in return for their strength and commitment are faced with a daily barrage of victim-bashing, mockery, badgering, and blatant victim-blaming. And yet they carry on. They ARE the "true survivors" to use Mary's term.

Common sense tells us that this issue must be victim-centered. The experts agree. And yet Randy English says this:
"It is time to bring in the experts and remove the decision making process from grieving families and politicians that have a political bias. Though we sympathize with their cause and feel angry that this has happened to their children, they are ill-equipped to make good choices when it comes to managing issues that are exceedingly diverse."
Does Randy believe, that as an offender himself, he is better equipped to make decisions on these issues? Randy, along with all the Sosenites keep referring to "the experts" and yet experts all agree that everything we do regarding the management of sex offenders MUST be victim-centered.

Not sex offender-centered.

Randy English once wrote:
"I would like to thank the ACLU for standing up for the truly weak, the RSO’s"
I was reminded of the infamous statement from Zman:
"Why can't we let the police do their job, and let PJ geeks get real jobs? They could be protecting the country with their hacking skills or something, yet they want to go after defenseless child predators instead of OSAMA, terrorists or other hackers!"
Victims of sexual abuse are "haters" and the offenders who created the victims are the weak and defenseless. That is the attitude of the extremists of Sosen.

When we consider that the mission statement of Sosen says:
"The mission of SOSEN is to educate the public, media, law-enforcement, and legislators regarding the facts, based on current research, of sexual abuse."
Then I am quite sure that Randy English would be interested in fixing some of the errors he has made when quoting "facts".

Error #1
  • Treatment has been proven to reduce recidivism to 1%

Treatment has not been proven to reduce recidivism AT ALL. Some studies show a reduction, some studies show no reduction. None of them show a reduction to ONE PERCENT

Error #2
  • Pedophilia is the sexual desire for a prepubescent child, and rare among offenders. Less than 1%.

This is an invented statistic pulled from someone's backside. There is no such statistic. There cannot BE such a statistic in existence considering the fact that most sex offenders haven't been "assessed" - according to Mary Duval. One-third of all sex crimes are committed against prepubescent children. While we can all agree that not everyone who molests a child would fit a psychiatric diagnosis of pedophilia, why would anyone believe that only 1% of them were? Randy English has no reference for that statistic, just as Tom Madison and Mary Duval didn't when they repeated it. In fact, the offenders in the infamous DOJ recidivism report they all rely on states quite clearly that 60% of the offenders had victims under the age of 13.

Error #3
  • Re-offense rate averages, for auto theft -78.8%, possession/sale of stolen property -77.4%, burglary -74%, robbery -70.2%, larcenist -74.6%, sex offenders - 3.5%.

That is from the Department of Justice and on it's face that's a true statement regarding what was in the report. What Randy English didn't tell you is that the report ALSO said that 78% of the released sex offenders in that report had ANOTHER previous conviction before the crime they were released for. In other words, they were already recidivists. And 28% of them had 2 or more previous convictions for sex crimes. How do you incorporate the information that at least one-fourth of them had already re-offended with another sex crime before this release - into the recidivism data? How do you use the statistic from the DOJ that only 5% of those offenders re-offended with a new sex crime within 3 years of release when 25% of them already had a history of sexual recidivism? Which leads to the next error Randy has made

Error #4
  • A study from the department of Justice found that about 94.7% of former offenders will not commit ANY other crime.

That study from the Department of Justice found that within 3 years 43% of sex offenders had committed another crime though not necessarily a sex crime. One-fourth of those were for property crimes and one-fourth were for violent crimes. THAT is what the Department of Justice said.

Staying in the closet enabled child sexual abuse to flourish and continue. The most important voice of all in this issue is the voice of those who have been victimized. Victims will no longer be badgered and shamed into silence. It is time for the culture of silence to end.

Seth the molester

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another girlchat pig is in the process of molesting a little girl.
Seth tells his pedophile friends all about it:

Another Girliscious Day with Mary

Posted by Sethon Tuesday, August 17 2010 at 04:37:41pm

Yesterday I went over to see Mary's mom, Ann, and immediately Mary jumped into my arms and mentioned something about swimming. I had told Ann the day before that I wanted to take her swimming, as it may be the last time this summer we got to go. Ann can't keep a secret either, so Mary was already excited about the idea when I arrived. So we went to the pool for a couple of hours, and again for a large part of the time we were there we had it all to ourselves. Mary has this habit of clinging to me while she's in the pool, which can be charming sometimes and annoying at other times. But I didn't mind it yesterday; I was in a good mood all day.

Later we went back to my house, and I set Mary up on my computer playing games. She loves the pinball game that comes with Windows, as well as Minesweeper, although she still hasn't completely grasped the concept of the latter. I made some pizza rolls and we had a great time just hanging out. Later, after I took her home, I stayed for awhile to visit with Ann and her friend. We watched TV for a bit, with Mary in my lap the whole time. She still hadn't changed out of her swimsuit, so her behind was a bit damp in my lap, but I didn't care. I spent the whole time rubbing and scratching her back, she directing me where to scratch; she was relaxed and limber in no time. Eventually I had to slip out from under her and go home because I was getting a little too relaxed myself.

So went another girliscious day with Mary. I can't wait till I get to do it all over again. :)

As you can see the process of molesting this child has already begun, and with her mothers blind stupidity "Mary" will become another child victim for this sick piece of pedophile shit!

How sad that the mother doesn't use common sense as to why this weirdo wants to be with her daughter.

And what kind of a mother would let her child lay around on a guys lap and not change out of her swimsuit?

Desperate people have desperate needs. Must be that this mother is desperate. I feel bad for "mary" because of her mothers desperation she will become another statistic.

Good vs Evil

Monday, August 16, 2010

This blog and Life is, essentially, the conflict and the conflagration involving the struggle of Good vs. Evil.

Who will win?



You'd best give this post your molecular considerate thoughts before you respond. Your words will expose you, track you down, make your thoughts transparent and jejune. Save you or damn you.

I have no further succinct statements to make in this reality.