The Fire that burns inside

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jonathan Adrian Radliff is a pedophile. He's also a pedophile activist. He's a young man with many mental health issues and certainly not someone I'd ever want my child to be exposed to for sure.

Actually, I believe he's quite unstable. In fact he says he's had an empty, meaningless life

"Except for the anger
that raged inside of me"

He feels society has always been trying to tell him he has no place in it, not for someone such as him. So, he declared he'd make his own place.

"I'll forge an existence
with the fire that burns inside"

Jonathan started out by meeting Lux and joining tkGL. He then set about forming his own brand of activism, which included writing a speech in college about how pedophiles are just merely misunderstood and children will be safer if society will embrace pedophilia. His speech, written in typical pedo fashion, relied on discredited studies and pedo manipulated reports and statistics. He was furious when he wasn't allowed to give that speech. But that's another story.

As a monster amongst us, Jonathan tried to come out of the closet by using free online services to spread his message.
"I aim to create a world in which MAA's and childlovers can live life fulfilled"
On MySpace he wrote about pedophilia and promoted it. He was suspended. He tried it on Blogspot as well. He was suspended. In fact, we're proud to say that we hijacked the original Monster in the Closet and Rez recently took care of his version 2 when this pedophile monster tried it again. After his suspension from MySpace, Jonathan wrote letters attempting to diminish exactly what he was. He said:

"The fact that we are willing to be truthful about our attraction in such a very public way proves that we have not committed any criminal offenses - we have nothing to hide"

Would that be like any of the following perhaps?
  • Lux AKA Darren Cresswell
    He was charged with 16 counts of making indecent images, 1 count of exchanging indecent images through his website, tkGL, and 4 counts of touching a minor and rape. A little boy who he was taking care of had reported to the police that Lux had touched him and made him perform oral sex on Lux. In November of 2006, he plead guilty to making indecent images and sexual assault. The rape charge was dropped through his plea. It is not known exactly when he was finally brought into custody to serve his sentence, but he is now serving time. He also has ordered to register as a sex offender for life and can not work with children.
  • The Night Raven AKA Jeffrey Brisson
    currently being held on 3 million dollar bond for sexually molesting a three month old baby, along with his roommate and friend.......
  • Aztram AKA Harold Spurling
    A long time Pedophile activist is being held on 2 million dollars bond for committing acts against children with his partner Jeffrey
  • Jimf3 AKA James Finn III
    A leader of the online pedophile community, arrested in the act of downloading child pornography and currently sitting in jail awaiting trial
  • John Melanson AKA "Fester" and possibly "Camper"
    Another leader in the pedophile activist movement and in jail once again for abducting and molesting another child
  • Wolfman AKA Remsen McGinnis Benedict
    A boy scout leader, school bus driver, pedophile activist and currently in jail awaiting trial for possession of child pornography.
  • Jim Freeman AKA Mystic, Mystikal, Mystikwarrior, Orolan
    His activism, as the Co-founder of SOhopeful concerned issues relating to registered sex offenders and how "not dangerous" they are, while being a leader of an international pedophile ring. Currently in jail awaiting trial.
  • Taf-kat, AKA John Hodgson
  • arrested and convicted for possession of child pornography twice, once in 2000, and another time in 2006. He also collects pictures of little girls from people's family galleries online, and harasses them with lewd comments about their children and relatives and celebrates Alice Day by writing song lyrics

These guys weren't "just" pedophiles, they were activists, they were all out trying to convince you that they would never harm children, why they all just loved children.

What else I wonder, might we find about Jonathan should we choose to keep looking? I'll leave you with a few lines from one of his poems....

All I want to do is make you happy
But I can never seem to find a way
'Cause your worth more than I can ever give you,
And the petals of a rose will fall away

The truth of the matter is that little girls fade away as far as monster pedos are concerned -- their petals fall away -- their interest in them withers as they enter puberty.....but they blossom like roses into young healthy women when they develop free from the presence of filthy pedophiles.

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HT Jacey for graphics